There is a simpler way to deal with the situation. Simplify, your long distance calls with Gorilla Mobile, at a highly affordable price, using your cell phone to call international would solve the situation. Gorilla Mobile offers online billing statements and charges all your long distance calls to your credit card, and spares you from the bother of dialing your PIN codes. Gorilla Mobile has competitive rates, which are considered to be the lowest in the industry. Gorilla Mobile offers free trial for you to test-ride their offer. Gorilla Mobile allows you to use either your cell phone or a landline to call internationally.
There are several calling plans and services offered by the wire-less carriers, providing service in the US and abroad. Generally you would purchase one of the calling plans for the kind of service that you would need in the US and then if you should go abroad, you would need to pay roaming charges. Roaming can be very expensive, with extra minute charges on top of your calls that you make and even on your incoming calls. This roaming charge can range from $0.99 per minute to more than $4.00 per minute. You may receive your calls on your mobile that you use back home, but the ‘per minute’ roaming charges will be added to every call you receive and you make. If it is a matter of convenience, fair enough, but Gorilla Mobile can offer you cost savings in your outgoing international calls.
Gorilla Mobile offers you all the benefits to save on your international calls. Forget the restrictions and put away that impression that you have of the high prices that you pay for international calls. You will save 85% of your calls abroad with Gorilla Mobile, covering to over 175 countries, calling from your mobile phone. You do not need to change your current mobile service provider. Just dial your Gorilla access number from your mobile and wait for the tone and then make your call. Gorilla automatically recognises your phone and you do not need to punch in the PIN codes.
You do not need to switch your service provider in calling through Gorilla Mobile. The charges for this service are as low an annual fee of $5.95 per account. You can open up-to 10 mobile and 10 home phone accounts with Gorilla Mobile and you can use any of the Gorilla access numbers to make a call from any of the phones. A charge of $0.15 is levied as connection fee per call, when using the toll free Gorilla Mobile access number.
Gorilla Mobile offers you free trials. Your free trial provides you with a calling value of $5.00, which comes to 100 minutes, depending upon the rate per minute of the country called and the access number dialed. If you go on using the service beyond the trial period, you will be charged for the extra minutes and the annual fee of $5.95. On taking up the service from Gorilla Mobile, you may cancel the service anytime.
Today's communication technology allows you to stay in touch, no matter where you are in the world. This growing technology has made it easier than you think, to stay connected with your business, your associates, your friends and your family. There are many technologies available in today's communication, which helps you to stay in touch and yet the costs are not out of this world. In most part of the world, over 600 countries, use Global Service for Mobile Communication (GSM) technology in mobile communication. GSM is a world standard in mobile communication, with exception of North America and Canada. North America and Canada use a different frequency from the rest of the world and this is the reason why your handset may not work in the country that you are visiting.
In fact the frequency bands are different to the one used abroad. GSM network has four frequency bands on which the entire world network is built. These frequencies are - 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900 MHz. The GSM frequencies North America and Canada are 850 MHz and 1900 MHz bands and these sets apart the two countries from the rest of the world. There are three types of GSM phones that are available today. The dual band operates on 800 MHz and 1900 MHz, the tri-band work on 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz and the quad band has an operational bandwidth of all the four bands.
It is worth mentioning that tri-band handsets in America will support 800/850, 1800 and 1900 MHz frequency bands. These handsets would cover the entire GSM network in North America and Canada, and atleast one network in most of the countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.