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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Top 10 Dangers of Mobile Phone Usage

Society is becoming more aware about the dangers of mobile phones. Dangerous social behaviour. Serious device-related health risks. Various scams sprung upon them by companies operating in the telecoms market.

Based on an extensive analysis of online UK users, the following list highlights the core fears people have related to the use of wireless technology.

1. Mobile Abuse on youths including their exposure to inappropriate content and potential paedophilia attacks

2. Physical Health Dangers from mobile usage such as exposure to wireless smog and phone masts or heat from device panels and batteries

3. Violent Crime including random mobile theft, pre-meditated assault filming or extortion for individual's bank account details

4. Mobile Bullying such as the sending of aggressive or intimidating messages from peers in the school yard or work place

5. Terrorist Acts including bomb detonation and even loud and/or threatening conversations in public places such as packed trains

6. Operator Scams including opt-in subscriptions tricks and corrupt TV call-in and voting competitions

7. Intrusive Marketing (also called "mobile spam") of betting/gaming, pornography or offensive content sent via SMS or Bluetooth

8. Accidents incurred while using mobile device such as driving or even talking while walking down the street

9. Privacy Invasion leveraging “Big Brother” - like tools such as operator-centric GPS systems to track individual’s whereabouts

10. Messaging Hoaxes including prank faux terror threats or health scares via SMS